Keep eternity stamped on your eyes!
Keep eternity stamped on your eyes. We all have one life, one go at this wonderful gift called life, then final judgment.
We were all born naked, as we were created, and we will all stand naked before God on the last day and give an account of our lives. What we did, and what we did not do, that we should have done. Every thought and intention laid bare.
Nothing will be hidden that will not be revealed and all of us have fallen short of the glory of God and all have we sinned against a Holy and Almighty God and Creator.
The only thing that can save us, and cleanse us, from our sin and guilt, is the blood of Jesus Christ, who died for us and nailed our sins to the cross. The one without sin, died for us sinners, so we can be reconciled to God. Repenting and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour is the only thing that can save you on the last day of judgment.
We all know we are living in the last days, and that Jesus is soon coming back, and this time, He will not come as a lamb but as a roaring Lion. Question is, are you ready to meet your creator?